by Miniland Educational | Mar 27, 2018 | Uncategorized
There are many ways in which people can understand and perceive the world. In fact, Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Theory suggests that there are seven ways people can perceive information. Howard Gardner is a professor at Harvard University who developed the Theory...
by Miniland Educational | Mar 27, 2018 | Uncategorized
MarcAis is a school of Emotional Education whose main objective is to provide our children with personal and emotional management resources and skills that allow them to develop in a comprehensive and integral manner. Recently, Mindful KIDS from Miniland Educational...
by Miniland Educational | May 2, 2017 | Uncategorized
As a teacher it helps to have your students prepared for school before they arrive. This is our advice that we give parents to assist the process: It’s never too early to start preparing your child for their first day at school, and it’s important that you spend some...
by Miniland Educational | Apr 13, 2017 | Uncategorized
I remember the days of kindergarten as fun, joyous days that were spent painting, drawing and in the outdoors – you probably do too. Times have changed however, and there is a lot more competition for school places that puts pressure on the standards and level of...
by Miniland Educational | Mar 30, 2017 | Uncategorized
For the 3rd year running, the Tomorrow’s Classrooms Today Conference (TCTC) is taking place in May. Teachers, professors, parents and other experts from the education and technology industry will be in attendance. Many will be there to listen to speakers, take part in...
by Miniland Educational | Mar 23, 2017 | Uncategorized
Teaching little ones is a rewarding and fun career choice, and every day you will be delighted by the way their curious minds soak up information. As entertaining as being a kindergarten teacher can be – it is also a very challenging job that can have even the most...