As specialty toymakers, we’ve dedicated our lives to helping you create the best learning opportunities for your children. This is because we believe in the important role that they play in shaping a sustainable future. We understand that bringing technology into your classroom is about more than just making the machines available — it’s also about shaping how they’re used. This might require a change in your teaching approach. We’ve designed Play Miniland in a way that makes this transition as smooth as possible. This lets you focus on the important task of preparing your children to be 21st-century ready.
Each Miniland toy is developed with potential digital applications in mind. This guarantees that Play Miniland helps you bridge the gap between real-world activity and digital extension exercises directly related to the toy or game. This ensures your children benefit from a multiplay experience that requires them to engage multiple intelligences to complete the exercises. Play Miniland is also a secure online platform — you can rest assured your class won’t accidentally be exposed to the many threats of unsupervised internet surfing and digital engagement.
The Play Miniland experience can be rolled out over multiple lessons in your classroom. Each toy is suited to a number of subjects, so you’re able to use one toy in a number of ways — focusing on delivering the curriculum content that is most suited to the needs of your class. This takes the stress out of taking care of important hidden curriculum and pastoral care aspects (like digital literacy), without risking the official content that forms the heart of your school day.
What does a Play Miniland lesson look like?
- Phase 1: Teacher’s Guide
You begin your journey with a teacher’s guide. Each time you invest in a Miniland toy, you’ll know exactly how to make the most of it. Your teacher’s guide comes packed with lesson plan suggestions related to your chosen toy.
- Phase 2: Active Play
We believe in active engagement as a key to deep learning. That’s why we include activity sheets which you can use to focus your lesson planning and ensure your children engage fully with each toy/game.

- Phase 3: Game-based Learning
Once your class has learned their key concepts through real-world activity, these can be applied through a series of digital games accessed through the Play Miniland platform. These activities are all structured to positively reinforce attempts, rather than punish mistakes. This makes sure that their encounters with the digital world are positive and encourage learning.
Is Play Miniland for me?
Every Miniland purchase comes with access to Play Miniland. This means you don’t have to commit hook, line, and sinker before you’re ready — begin with one toy at a time and experiment to find the combinations that suit your teaching and class. If you’ve already purchased one of our educational toys, you can access your Play Miniland lesson plan, activity sheet, and thedigital game immediately. Otherwise, begin your journey by diving into our catalog.